Wednesday 23 November 2011

Does Vaseline on Eyelashes Promote Lash Growth

I am many times asked, "If  it is safe enough to put Vaseline on eyelashes?"  Does Vaseline keep them soft? Is it OK to use  fingers or to use a brush? Does it not irritate eyes if it gets in them?

If you are also searching for the same information about use of Vaseline or castor oil on eyelashes, please read on. I have searched for some relevant information online and found some good one.

Some agree that Vaseline has helped them not only in protecting their eyelashes but also there was lash growth. There were many who voiced  that though they used it in some occasions, they got no positive help. They felt that there is no proof of anything put on lashes will make any benefit. They were afraid that any such effort may block the tear ducts and most likely cause eye irritation, So they would prefer to leave their lashes alone.

It is clear from the many posts I found in some forums that majority found it very useful.

Let's check the cross section of a lash.

A strand of eyelash, from periphery to core has  three parts:

Cuticle:  This is the out layer of your lash and is a single layer of cells arranged like roof shingles. It protects the inner layer like scales in a fish. If due to some reason cuticle loses its suppleness, the strand breaks.

Cortex:  This contains densely packed keratin. This gives the strand stuff and color.

Medulla: This is an area in the core which contains loose cells and air-spaces

With growing age, the eyelashes grow hard and hence brittle. The brittleness is more in those women, who regularly use waterproof mascaras. So, the eyelashes tend to break either at the root or halfway, especially when they try to remove the make ups or used up mascaras. This can be avoided or minimized it one can maintain the flexibility of the lashes with some external agent. Women use all kind of stuff on their eyelashes, starting from Vaseline to Dr Hauschka's lip balm. I am sure there are so many other things used but off the record.

Then what can you do to avoid such breakage?

Use lash conditioning products such as  Lamas, Mavala or Talika.

Use Castor oil:  I know castor oil is  a proven eyelash conditioner. It grows and thickens the lashes and creates a soothing effect on your eyes. I have used it myself and I know many young teenagers who use it.

Use Vaseline:  Moisturizing them with Vaseline surely keeps them soft and stops them from breaking. It is safe and there is no reported eye irritation.

To see how to use Vaseline on your eyelashes and eyebrows watch this video.

You can use your fingers or a spooky-brush (i.e.: clean mascara wand), to apply the Vaseline or castor oil, just in the same way you apply mascara. It is less messy than if you applied it with your fingers. You don’t need to drown your lashes in it, just apply a light coat and it will do. That way, it won’t get into your eyes or tear-ducts also.

If you are serious in growing your eyelashes and don't mind spending some money, use growth serum. They come in various brands, but as per my research Idol Lash is the best.  It is the cheapest also.

It uses non-toxic natural ingredients in its serum, so harmless to the eyes. It will not only grow, it will also thicken eyelashes.

The best news is ~ Presently they are offering a FREE PACK OFFER.

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